Data Scientist | PhD in Data Science and Computation | Complex Systems Physicist

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I'm a naturally curious animal who thrives on challenging and exciting projects. My passion drives me to explore the intersection of different fields, and I want my research to have a strong modelling component while focusing on practical and utilitarian goals. As an ongoing journey, my research has already made significant contributions to various fields, shedding light on topics such as (mis)information spreading and polarization in social networks, as well as fundamental network science, including diffusion processes and temporal networks. The fruits of my labour have found a home in prestigious journals, including Nature Climate Change, PLOS Climate, and Nature Scientific Reports. 

But the best things are not (yet) in my portfolio: I'm always eager to learn and open to new challenges, especially the ones I left unattended when I was still a rookie researcher - such as sports analytics. My deep admiration extends to those with a strong statistical and computational background who fearlessly tackle the ultimate challenge of adapting their knowledge to new fields. 

Scientific progress is measured in units of courage, not intelligence (as my good pal Dirac would say) so I’m trying to be braver and braver for my future research endeavours.

Me in a Nutshell

I love anything creative and inspiring.
I would spend my life travelling (the more distant and cold the place is, the better), perhaps capturing some unsuspecting landscape - always listening to music.

I love books, comics and movies (who doesn't), and I really enjoy talking about them with equally passionate people.

Dogs - which I always politely greet when I meet them - make me feel like a child again.